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Click titles to view entries. Links to the entries are active until January 7, 2022.

Radio – Market 16 and Below Feature

Teaching Kids to Hide From Gunfire: Safety Drills at Daycare and at Home

Cara Anthony, Carolina Hidalgo 

KHN, St. Louis Public Radio and NPR

Radio Market 16 and Below News: Series

Breaking Points

Ambriehl Crutchfield, Cheryl Devall 

Nashville Public Radio (WPLN News), Nashville, TN

Radio Market 16 and Below Public Affairs: Segment

COVID-19 Testing Scarce in Indianapolis’ Black Neighborhoods

Carter Barrett

Side Effects Public Media/WFYI Public Media, Indianapolis, IN 

Radio  Top 15 Markets Documentary

Miami and County School Board Destroyed a Black Community to Build a Whites Only School

Nadege Green

WLRN, Miami, FL

Radio  Top 15 Markets Feature

Black Funerals, COVID-19 and the Importance of Saying Goodbye

Leoneda Inge, Dave DeWitt, Lindsay Thomas

WUNC North Carolina Public Radio, Chapel Hill, N.C.

Radio Top 15 Markets Investigative

50 Lives in Four Zip Codes

Staff, Race, Class and Communities

WBEZ Chicago, IL

Radio Top 15 Markets News: Series

For Black Emergency Doctors in Washington, the Pandemic is Personal

Daniella Cheslow, Tyrone Turner, Ingalisa Schrobsdorff

WAMU, Washington, D.C.

Radio – Top 15 Markets – Public Affairs: Segment

Rev. William Lamar Talks About White Supremacy, The Black Church and Civil Rights

Richard Cunningham

WAMU 88.5 FM, Washington, D.C.

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