Task Forces


NABJ Task Forces

NABJ offers various Task Forces that allow members to work together, network and advance NABJ’s mission in their areas of interest. Read more about our Task Forces on this page. Best viewed on a desktop.
Want to donate to our Task Forces’s Convention activities and other programming? Click HERE.

Task Force Procedures & Guidelines can be found here.

Arts and Entertainment Task Force

The NABJ Arts and Entertainment Task Force is available to members who cover arts and entertainment. Joining this group is a great way to connect to the broader arts and entertainment community.

Chair: Venton D. Blandin, vinnieinvirginia@yahoo.com

Vice Chair: Kathia Woods, CupofSoulShow@gmail.com

Media-Related Professionals Task Force

The Media-Related Professionals Task Force includes part-time journalists, part-time freelance writers, educators, marketing and public relations professionals, as well as other media professionals. The purpose of this task force is to advance the causes and issues related to these sectors and to NABJ.

Chair: Terry Allen, terryallenpr@gmail.com
Vice=Chair: Pamela R. Purifoy, prpropam@gmail.com

Black Press Task Force

The Black Press Task Force includes journalists and owners of Black media outlets. The group’s purpose is to advocate on behalf of Black-owned media and to foster camaraderie amongst journalists in this space.

Chair: Terri Sanders, terridsandersnabj@gmail.com 

Broadcast Task Force

The Broadcast Task Force includes radio/audio and television/video journalists. The group’s purpose is to champion diversity in newsrooms across the country and to inspire camaraderie among broadcast journalists.

Chair: Eric Sellers, eric.b.sellers@espn.com
Vice Chair: Chelsea Jones, chelseajonestv9@gmail.com

Print Task Force

The Print Task Force includes reporters/writers, copy desk managers, copy editors, news editors, line editors, layout and design editors, and yes, recruiters. The group's purposes are to inspire camaraderie among print members across the country; to share ideas,; and to discuss the ups and downs of working a non-traditional schedule. We also encourage college students to pursue careers in newsrooms.

Chair: Maria Reeve, mariareevenabj@gmail.com

Digital Journalism Task Force

As technology is enhancing journalism and transforming the media landscape, journalists must adapt and use new tools in order to survive and thrive. The Digital Journalism Task Force keeps NABJ members on the cutting edge as they navigate rapidly evolving newsrooms.

Chair: Tyrik Wynn, tyrikwynntv@gmail.com
Vice Chair: Kamara Daughtry, kamara.daughtry@gmail.com

Founders Task Force

The Founders Task Force includes NABJ Founders, Past Presidents and former National Board Members with at least 25 years of membership in NABJ. The groups’ purposes are to reaffirm NABJ’s founding principles and fortify NABJ through the contributions of its members’ time, talents, historical perspectives and collective memory in alignment with the organization’s mission and strategic plan.

Chair: Sandra Dawson Long Weaver, sandradlong13@gmail.com

Global Journalism Task Force

The Global Journalism Task Force promotes coverage of and about the African and African American experience worldwide.

Chair: Kiratiana Freelon, kiratiana@gmail.com
Vice-Chair: Aurora Ellis, aurorajellis@gmail.com

LGBTQ+ Task Force

The mission of this task force is to unite NABJ's lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer members so they may support and strengthen one another and assist NABJ in carrying out its mission of inclusion and excellence.

Chair: Femi Redwood, femiredwood@gmail.com

Vice-Chair: Corey Antonio Rose, coreyantoniorose@gmail.com

Political Journalism Task Force

The Political Journalism Task Force is composed of journalists that cover local, state, and national politics. The group's purpose is to provide support and programming for political journalists.

Chair: Brianna Tucker, briannatucker@utexas.edu
Vice Chair: Brittany Gibson, brittanygibson442@gmail.com

Sports Journalism Task Force

The NABJ Sports Task Force promotes diversity in America’s sports departments and provides programming toward developing the next wave of America's sports journalists.

Chair: Tareia Williams, tareia.williams@warnermedia.com
Vice-Chair: Kwani A. Lunis, kwanilunis@gmail.com

Visual Task Force

The Visual Task Force serves as a visual storytelling arm of NABJ. We are a professional community for visual journalists, designers, animators, broadcast videographers and visual editors whose mission is to develop educational programs and provide professional development for both veteran and future multimedia journalists and offer visual leadership for newspaper, magazine, broadcast and online publications.

Chair: Lance Washington, lkwashington1@gmail.com

Vice Chair: Danielle Gatewood, daniellergatewood@yahoo.com

Young Black Journalists Task Force

The Young Black Journalists Task Force provides a forum and support for fellow journalists in their first few years. The Task Force annually recognizes emerging journalists doing exemplary work.

Co-Chair: Janay Reece, janayreece@gmail.com

Co-Chair: Kayla Solomon, kay_nyree@hotmail.com 

HBCU Task Force (HBCU Initiative)

The HBCU Task Force via the NABJ HBCU Initiative provides programming and advocates for historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) and members that are graduates of the institutions.

Chair: Karvis Jones, karvisjones@gmail.com

Vice Chair: Torrance Latham, torrancelatham91@gmail.com

Freelance Task Force

The Freelance Task Force advocates and provides programming for freelance members of various disciplines with in journalism, media and communications.

Chair: Christopher Daniel, cdaniel1982@gmail.com

Vice Chair: Ariyana Griffin, ariyanagane@gmail.com

Business Journalism Task Force

The mission of the NABJ Business Journalism Task Force is to increase the number of Black journalists covering business, and educate fellow NABJ members and the industry about these topics.

Chair: Bowdeya Tweh, bowdeyatweh@gmail.com

Co-Chair: Imani Moise,imanijm@gmail.com
Co-Chair: Cordilia James, cordiliaj97@gmail.com

Weather and Climate Task Force

The NABJ Weather and Climate Task Force is dedicated to promoting diversity and inclusion among meteorologists, weathercasters, science reporters, and others covering weather and climate stories. We will provide opportunities for fellowship, education and mentorship for current and rising professionals covering this field.

Chair: Dominic Brown, dominicabrown@yahoo.com
Vice-Chair: Holly Baker, wxhollybaker@gmail.com

Investigative Task Force

The NABJ Investigative Task Force is dedicated to supporting and promoting diversity and inclusion among investigative journalists.

Chair: Jatara McGee, jatara.jm@gmail.com

Vice-Chair: Cierra Putman, cierra.putman2014@yahoo.com

Academic Task Force

The Academic Task Force includes educators and professionals who work within education related professions. Members include, and are not limited to, faculty, administrators, staff, media/communication/marketing professionals for academic institutions, etc. The task force’s purpose is to provide resources, information and networks to support growth and development in the education industry.

Chair: Marquita Smith, smithms@olemiss.edu
Vice Chair: Dana Seay, Dana.Seay@louisville.edu

Entrepreneurship Task Force

Providing business development and digital strategy support for NABJ members.

Chair: Shernay Williams, shernay@thestorysuitellc.com

Vice Chair: Wayne Peterson, wayne.peterson79@gmail.com

Health & Science Task Force

The NABJ Health & Science Task Force supports members who cover science and medical news, as well as those interested in pursuing careers in health and science journalism.

Chair: Nicholas St. Fleur, scifleur@gmail.com


Jacqueline Howard, jacqueline.e.howard@gmail.com

Clayton Gutzmore, moregutz@gmail.com

Wellness Task Force

The NABJ Wellness Task Force champions the holistic well-being of journalists and media professionals, fostering a culture of support and resilience in newsrooms and media organizations. Recognizing the unique challenges faced by our community, the task force is dedicated to cultivating environments that prioritize wellness and mental health, promote work-life balance, and ensure overall health.

Chair: Dr. Kortni Lemon, Ph.D., MBA,  info@DrKortniAlston.com

Co-Chair: Dawn Angelique Roberts, dawn@dawnaroberts.com