NABJ Elections Central



June 1 is the deadline for potential voters to have their NABJ membership in place if they want to cast ballots. Join/Renew/Update/Log In to confirm HERE!

Click Tabs to View Elections Information

Dear NABJ members:

It’s election time!

The filing deadline for those seeking election for the positions of Vice President-Print, Treasurer, Parliamentarian, Region II Director, Region IV Director, Academic Representative, and Media-Related Representative on the NABJ Board of Directors for the 2024-2026 term is 5 p.m. ET, Monday, April 22, 2024. Click HERE to submit candidacy declaration packets to the NABJ Elections Committee.

The Elections Committee urges all members to consider seeking office for one of the seven open seats on the Board of Directors. Voting will take place electronically at 9 a.m. ET on July 8 through 5 p.m. CT on Aug. 2, 2024.

Here is the official timeline for members seeking office for the 2024-2026 term:

April 22, 5 p.m. ET. – Any member seeking a position must submit a completed declaration packet to the National Office. Important: Please note the date and time.

April 24 – May 15 – Declaration packets received by Monday, April 22 will be reviewed by the Elections Committee.

May 20 – Certification notices will be emailed to all applicants.

May 24 – Certified candidates may begin to campaign. (Note: Before any candidate may campaign for office, they must be certified as eligible to seek office by the 2024 NABJ Elections Committee.)

May 24 – Final slate of candidates for the 2024-2026 term will be announced to the membership.

Proposed amendments to the NABJ Constitution were due to the National Office on Wednesday, Jan. 31. The Constitution mandates that all proposed amendments be submitted at least six months prior to the annual convention and be endorsed by the Constitution and Operating Procedures Committee and the Board. We will let you know if any amendments will be put before the membership.

Saturday, June 1, is the deadline for potential voters to have their NABJ membership in place if they want to cast ballots. This coincides with the deadline to register for the convention without paying the higher in-person rate.

Eligible members may cast ballots electronically from 9 a.m. ET, Monday, July 8 through 5 pm. CT on Election Day, Friday, Aug. 2. Members have found online voting to be a helpful alternative to casting ballots in person, particularly if an assignment or some other circumstance keeps them away from the convention. Results of the election will be announced at the convention and shared on the NABJ website shortly after polls close.

Additional information will be forthcoming. In the meantime, we look forward to a fair and robust campaign season in 2024!

Khorri Atkinson, 2024 NABJ Elections Committee Chair

President, Washington Association of Black Journalists (WABJ) 

Senior Labor & Employment Reporter, Bloomberg Law


Lifetime, Professional, Emerging, and Alumni may vote for all national executive offices, including president, vice president/broadcast, vice president/print, vice president/digital, secretary, treasurer and parliamentarian. They also may vote for a representative from the region where they live or work. Finally, they may vote on all constitutional amendments.

Academic members may only vote for the academic representative on the Board of Directors.

Media-Related Professional members may only vote for the media-related professional representative on the Board of Directors.

Student members may only vote for the student representative on the Board of Directors.

NOTE: Membership renewals must be received by the national office on or before June 1, the pre-registration deadline for the 2024 convention, to vote in this year’s elections. 

Other Important Dates:

  • Jan. 31 Deadline to submit proposed constitutional amendments to the Parliamentarian.
  • April 22, 5 p.m. ET Any member seeking a position must submit a completed declaration packet to the National Office. Click HERE to submit a declaration packet. Important: Please note the date and time.
  • April 24 – May 15 Declaration packets received by Monday, April 22, will be reviewed by the Elections Committee.
  • May 20 Certification notices will be sent to ALL applicants via email.
  • May 24, 9 a.m. ET Certified candidates may begin to campaign. Final slate of candidates will be announced to the membership.
  • June 1 Membership renewals must be received by the National Office on or before June 1, the advertised pre-registration deadline for the annual convention, to vote in this year’s elections.
  • June 17 First candidate Spending Disclosure Report due
  • July 8 – Aug. 2 Electronic voting period
  • July 15  – Second candidate Spending Disclosure Report due
  • July TBD – Candidates’ Campaign Forum (Contested Candidates)
  • July 31, 5 p.m. CT  – Third and final Spending Disclosure Reports due
  • Aug. 1 Candidates’ Campaign Forum (All Candidates)
  • Aug. 2, 5 p.m. CT Voting polls close


Except as provided below in the NABJ Constitution, Section 2(a), terms of office for the Board of Directors shall be two years. All officers, regional directors and representatives of the organization shall be elected at an annual meeting and may serve in the same office no longer than two consecutive terms. Regional directors who are currently serving in the capacity may file for these offices in the reconfigured regions as long as they have not served two consecutive terms.

(i) The president, vice president-broadcast, vice president-digital, secretary, student representative, region 1 and 3 regional directors shall be elected to two-year terms that will commence in 2015 and expire in 2017.

(ii) The vice president-print, treasurer, parliamentarian, academic representative, media-related representative, region 2 and 4 directors shall be elected to three-year terms that will commence in 2015 and expire in 2018.

(iii) Thereafter, all members of the board of directors (including officers) shall be elected to two-year terms.


All candidates must be in good standing with NABJ. Lifetime, Professional and Alumni members may seek the offices of president, vice president-print, vice president-broadcast, vice president-digital, secretary, treasurer, parliamentarian, and regional director. Media-Related members may seek the office of media-related representative. Academic members may seek the office of academic representative. College and university student members may seek the office of student representative. Candidates may seek only one office per election. All candidacy eligibility is subject to review by the NABJ Membership and Elections Committees. All candidates must submit a signed candidate’s agreement, biography and employment/university verification to the Elections Committee.


Any member seeking a position on the NABJ Board of Directors, including incumbents, must submit a letter of intent (signed candidate’s agreement), biography and employment/university verification (requirements in PDF format), and headshot by 5 p.m. ET, Monday, April 22, 2024.

The declaration packet must include the following (In PDF format):

Click HERE to submit a declaration packet by 5 p.m. ET, Monday, April 22, 2024.


Before anyone may campaign for office, they must be certified as eligible to seek that office by the 2024 NABJ Elections Committee and receive by email a letter signed by the committee chair confirming eligibility. Anyone who engages in campaigning prior to being certified will be in violation of the rules and regulations of the 2024 elections process (and subject to disciplinary action). Campaigning by certified candidates may begin upon certification by the Elections Committee.

 Campaigning includes:

  • Mailings soliciting support
  • E-mails soliciting support
  • Phone calls soliciting support
  • Web and social networking sites promoting prospective candidates and their platforms
  • Soliciting support at regional conferences or chapter meetings
  • Declaring candidacy in a public forum, including local chapter events

** Campaigning via any official communications tool of NABJ is strictly prohibited. The organization’s official communications tools include, but are not limited to:

  • NABJ X/Twitter (@nabj)
  • NABJ Task Force and Group listservs
  • NABJ Facebook page/groups
  • NABJ LinkedIn page/groups
  • NABJ Instagram pages

Questions presented to candidates via official communications avenues should be answered privately or through another appropriate forum (campaign website, campaign social media, etc.).

Candidates may not use the NABJ logo on any campaign materials. Candid photographs of a candidate taken at an NABJ event, in which the NABJ logo may appear on banners, signs, etc. may be used, subject to review by the Elections Committee.

Candidates also are prohibited from using the moniker “NABJ” in website names and social media tools without specific reference to the candidate and/or a recognized campaign slogan. For example: #NABJ or #NABJ24 would be ruled as unacceptable. #MFC4ward would be ruled acceptable.

Candidates may not use the NABJ logo, convention logo, or any other NABJ-branded material for campaign promotions or announcements. However, a natural, unposed image of the candidate in action serving in a previous NABJ office may be used in promotional materials but may be subject to review or feedback by the committee. 

Candidates cannot use the NABJ name, hashtag, or any other use of the brand in a standalone format while campaigning, promoting online, or in print format. For example, no NABJ hashtags such as #NABJ, #NABJ24, #NABJFamily, #NABJMembers, #NABJCongrats, #NABJConvention, etc., can be connected to or used by you as a candidate, your campaign or campaign team. 

These hashtags appear on NABJ’s convention social media stream and other platforms, so the use of these hashtags may appear as an endorsement by NABJ. Candidates may use the following hashtags for campaign purposes, and NABJ members will be encourage to follow them to keep abreast of NABJ election activities: #NABJVotes and #NABJElections. 

However, candidates are permitted to use #NABJCandidate in social copy or profile descriptions. Another approved stylization is #Joe4NABJVP. Note: The use of NABJ may only be used preceding the position you are running for. If you select to use this custom stylization it must be submitted with your candidate declaration packet for review and approval. Please do not use your custom NABJ hashtag until you receive approval from the committee or liaison. 

This process also applies to profile names or web/landing page domains. Please also submit these for review. The following are the only acceptable uses: 

Links and tags formatting: 

  • @Joe4NABJVP 
  • @JoeNABJCandidate 
  • @JoeSmith4NABJVP 
  • @JoeSmithNABJCandidate 

Profile name formatting: 

  • Joe Smith, For NABJ VP 
  • Joe Smith, NABJ Candidate: Insert Position 

Please submit these items for review via your declaration form. 

Notice: All promotional items must always note that you are an NABJ candidate and should never indicate that you are endorsed by NABJ’s Board as a whole or the National Office.

Promotional materials will be monitored and are subject to review by the Elections Committee at any time. 

All website names and social media presences/activities are subject to review by the Elections Committee at any time. 

Important Reminder: Please do not ask NABJ task forces or committees, or any other regional or national NABJ entity to endorse you on social media, their web presences, or any other material. These are arms of National and they must remain neutral. Endorsements made online or in print must be from individuals.



  • Executive Board: $7,000 per candidate
  • Academic or Media Related Professional Representatives: $7,000 per candidate
  • Regional Directors: $4,500 per candidate
  • Student Representative: $2,500 per candidate


 Candidates for NABJ office must report all of the money spent on their campaign. This online form must be used to list campaign-related expenses and donations. In addition to the money actually spent, each candidate also must list realistic estimates for the value of in-kind services and gifts. No other form will be accepted.

You are required to submit these reports and financial statements three times in 2024 – June 17, July 15 and July 31 (5 p.m. CT). All documents must be received by 5 p.m. ET on these dates or be considered late except Aug. 2. All disclosure reports will be collected by the national office and forwarded to the Elections Committee.

The first form should cover any campaign expenditures since certification of your candidacy through June 17. Subsequent forms should cover expenditures since the previous filing. The reports should include a summary of the campaign activities engaged in during the reporting period, an accounting of money raised and acquired during the period and a list of all expenses related to campaign activities.

Any late or non-filed reports will be in violation of campaign rules.

Items that should be reported include, but are not limited to:

  • Airline tickets
  • Printing
  • Postage
  • Conference registrations
  • * Hotel accommodations
  • Entertainment and meals for potential supporters
  • Frequent flyer miles
  • Cost of designing and maintaining campaign-oriented websites
  • ** Emails/Phone calls
  • In-kind donations
  • *** Corporate contributions
  • *** Campaign materials, including brochures, buttons, hats, mugs and other memorabilia

Please Note:

* Costs related to attending the national convention will not be counted against the spending cap. The cost of attending the regional conference for the region where you live or work will not be counted against you. Expenses for all other regional conferences attended by candidates will count against the spending limit if the candidate engages in any type of campaigning while at a conference. A candidate may only use the regional conference spending exemption for one regional conference in which they work or live.

** Costs of e-mail accounts used for campaigning will not count against the spending cap. Broadcast messages sent via email will not count against the cap. Campaign websites, whether operated by the candidate or their supporters, shall count against the cap.

*** Candidates must estimate the cost of in-kind donations and services, which will be counted against the spending limit. For example, if your company prints and mails fliers in support of your campaign, you must report the expenses as if you had paid for it. However, such expenses can be itemized at rates lower than market value, if such company discounts are available to all editorial employees of the corporate entity providing the service or donation.


National Candidates Forum

  • Thursday, Aug. 1, Time and Location (TBD)
    #NABJ24 Convention in Chicago


All allegations of campaign violations must be signed and in writing. Anonymous complaints will not be accepted. The Elections Committee will review alleged violations. Confirmed violations will be published in the NABJ Journal and E-News Bulletins; circulated through the NABJ listserv, the NABJ website, membership mailings, Elections Day fliers or posters; and/or any other means to reach the membership. Confirmed violations may also result in deductions to one’s spending limits.


In an effort to keep NABJ’s election process fair and impartial, the Elections Committee has developed the following guidelines for online campaigning. This includes candidates’ participation in NABJ-affiliated listservs on Yahoo, NABJ-affiliated blogs, participation in NABJ-affiliated accounts on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and X/Twitter, NABJ-affiliated groups on LinkedIn/Facebook, and all forms of electronic communication.

  • Candidates are prohibited from initiating or engaging in campaign-related conversations on the listservs, Facebook pages/groups, LinkedIn pages/groups or X/Twitter/Instagram accounts affiliated with NABJ. This includes — but is not limited to — endorsements, comments about a candidate or candidates, and referring to a person — directly or indirectly — as a candidate for a particular office.  Election-related discussion on NABJ-affiliated listservs, blogs, Facebook pages/groups, LinkedIn pages/groups and via Twitter/Instagram will be regulated by the assigned moderators, who will be informed of the online campaigning guidelines. Any invitations to candidates to share platforms with members of an NABJ-affiliated listserv, Facebook group/page, LinkedIn page/group or Twitter/Instagram account, or via an NABJ affiliated blog, shall be extended to all relative candidates to provide fair and equal access.
  • Candidates may not write posts for any NABJ-affiliated blog that mentions their candidacy for NABJ office, endorse other candidates for office or denounce other candidates for office.
  • The name and email of the Campaign Manager for the certified candidate must be emailed to the Election Chair,  for the record, no later than 14 days after certification. Any changes during the election cycle should be updated immediately.
  • Each member of the Elections Committee shall be assigned no more than two of the largest NABJ-affiliated listservs to monitor on a daily basis. If it applies, committee members also will monitor the Facebook pages, groups, blogs and/or X/Twitter accounts of the NABJ-affiliated group connected to their assigned listserv(s). If a violation to any of these guidelines happens, the Elections Committee monitor will contact the violator and ask them to cease. The monitor (on behalf of the committee) will send an email out to the listserv informing/reminding members of the rules. The monitor (on behalf of the committee) also will record the violation and send a copy of the violation to the Elections Committee.
  • If an NABJ member who is a candidate for office continues to violate these guidelines after two warnings from an Elections Committee monitor, the member and the candidate will be blocked from the listserv, NABJ Facebook/LinkedIn page/group and/or Twitter/Instagram account. If a candidate for office continues to violate these guidelines after two warnings from an Elections Committee monitor, the candidate may have their candidacy revoked.
  • Members suspecting violations may contact the Elections Committee and respective listserv moderator with details of the suspected violation. The Elections Committee, in conjunction with the listserv/blog, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram account or pages/group coordinators involved, will review each suspected violation as it arises. The review will include communication with the accuser and with the suspected violator to determine whether an actual violation has taken place.

Social Media

  • Candidates have the option of creating their own campaign-related blogs and/or Instagram/Twitter accounts, created, designed and launched exclusively for their campaigns.
  • Each candidate has the option of creating their own campaign-related Facebook Page — not Facebook Profile – created, designed and launched exclusively for the campaign.
  • Candidates have the option of creating their own campaign-related websites created, designed and launched exclusively for their campaign.
  • Campaign managers on file with the Elections Committee and those who have publicly endorsed are strictly prohibited from managing any NABJ-related email and/or social media profile or account, including social media profiles representing NABJ committees and task forces.
  • Campaign debate/forum moderators are extensions of the Elections Committee and must follow committee guidelines.


  • Maintain a current NABJ membership in good standing at all times.
  • Attend quarterly Board meetings scheduled (around) January, April, July/August and October. Attendance may also be required at regional conferences, committee/task force meetings and functions, such as special events.
  • Provide written reports of goals and achievements to the Board of Directors before quarterly meetings.
  • Be informed about the organization’s mission, services, policies and programs.
  • Review agenda and supporting materials prior to Board and committee meetings.
  • Serve on committees or task forces and offer to take on special assignments.
  • Make a personal financial contribution to the organization. Board members are expected to set an example by donating to the organization themselves; and to open the doors to other contributions. Board members should be comfortable with fundraising.
  • Inform others about the organization.
  • Suggest possible nominees to the Board who can make significant contributions to the work of the Board and the organization.
  • Keep up-to-date on developments in the organization’s field.
  • Follow conflict-of-interest and confidentiality policies. Board members must never use information gained through their position for personal gain; and must always act in the best interests of the organization.
  • Assist the Board in carrying out its fiduciary responsibilities, such as reviewing the organization’s annual financial statements.The Board member is trusted by the public to manage donated funds to fulfill the organization’s mission.
  • See: Board Members’ Duties (NABJ Operating Procedures, Chapter 2, Article I)
  • Remember: Volunteer responsibilities are not confined to a typical “workday” but span night and weekend time periods and responsibilities.

The NABJ Board of Directors positions in “bold” are open for the 2024-2026 term. A general overview of each position is provided below. A full description of the responsibilities may be obtained by contacting

PRESIDENT – Chief executive officer of the organization and chairperson of the Executive Committee, Board of Directors and membership meetings.

VICE PRESIDENT-PRINT, VICE PRESIDENT-BROADCAST, and VICE PRESIDENT-DIGITAL – (three separate positions) Deputy executive officers of the organization and, at the direction of the President, chairpersons of the Executive Board, Board of Director and membership meeting in the President’s absence. Serve as liaison between the Board and the respective print and broadcast members. Work with the Board in such manner as the President shall direct and perform such other duties as outlined in the Board Operating Procedures Manual.

SECRETARY – Chief record keeper to the organization. Works with the Board in such manner as the President shall direct and perform such other duties as outlined in the Board Operating Procedures Manual.

TREASURER – Chief financial officer of the organization. Works with the Board in such manner as the President shall direct and perform such other duties as outlined in the Board Operating Procedures Manual.

PARLIAMENTARIAN – Chief interpreter of Robert’s Rules of Order, the NABJ Constitution and Board Operating Procedures and serves as sergeant-at-arms during meetings. Works with the Board in such manner as the President shall direct and perform such other duties as outlined in the Board Operating Procedures Manual.

REGIONAL DIRECTORS I-IV (II and IV) – Supervise and direct the various affiliate chapters and members of the NABJ within their jurisdictions. Hold a regional conference each year before the national convention. Works with the Board in such manner as the President shall direct and perform such other duties as outlined in the Board Operating Procedures Manual.

Region I – Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, and West Virginia

Region II – Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin

Region III – Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas

Region IV – Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming

ACADEMIC REPRESENTATIVE – Serves as liaison between the Board and the associate members of NABJ. Works with the Board in such manner as the President shall direct and perform such other duties as outlined in the Board Operating Procedures Manual.

MEDIA-RELATED REPRESENTATIVE – Serves as liaison between the Board and the media-related professional members of NABJ. Works with the Board in such manner as the President shall direct and perform such other duties as outlined in the Board Operating Procedures Manual.

STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE – Serves as liaison between the Board and the student members of NABJ. Works with the Board in such manner as the President shall direct and perform such other duties as outlined in the Board Operating Procedures Manual.

For a full list of the NABJ Board of Director positions, click here.


Board expectations include:

  • Fundraising (Recruiting funders and/or donating funds to NABJ initiatives)
  • Responding to numerous member and advocacy inquiries throughout the week and holding/participating in regular meetings to address membership and organizational concerns.
  • Building advocacy initiatives, including publicly responding to a myriad of issues in diversity, equity and inclusion matters
  • Helping to organize regional, institute, workshop, webinar, and convention programming
  • Participating in monthly Board of Directors meetings
  • Participating in Board half-day and full-day training and retreat sessions
  • Paying for your own convention registration
  • Reviewing budgets and making sure the organization avoids deficits
  • Providing a written report of goals and achievements to the Board of Directors before quarterly meetings by the required deadlines.
  • Serving on committees or task forces and volunteering for special assignments.
  • Following the standard required Board Members’ Duties (NABJ Operating Procedures, Chapter 2, Article I)
  • Abiding by NABJ’s codes, policies and procedures

Also, please note that like your job in the journalism arena, these volunteer responsibilities are not confined to a typical “workday” but span night and weekend time periods and responsibilities.

2024 NABJ Certified Candidates

The Elections Committee is pleased to announce the list of certified candidates for the 2024-2026 Board of Directors on May 24, 2024.

*Employment/job roles are listed as of the time of certification.

**This page was updated on 6/28/2024 to mark the Academic Representative position vacant. The candidate withdrew their candidacy. 


Vice President-Print



Region II Director

Region IV Director

Academic Representative

Vacant - The candidate for Academic Rep. withdrew their candidacy.

Media-Related Representative

Media-Related Representative

The 2024 proposed amendments to the NABJ Constitution will be announced on May 24, 2024.

Professional members vote on amendments during elections.

Notice: This year, no proposed constitutional amendments were approved to move to the ballot by the Board of Directors.

Candidates Forums

  • Wednesday, July 3, 7 p.m. ET, Zoom/Livestream | Members register here:
  • Thursday, Aug. 1, Time and Location (TBD) | #NABJ24 Convention in Chicago

Walter Middlebrook

Lynn Norment

Clarence Stone

Committee Member

News Producer, WXYZ - Mich.

NABJ Director of Membership

Staff Liaison

Committee Decisions

  • Content pending an issue and committee decision.

The 2024 #NABJElections opens on July 8 and closes Aug. 2 at 5 p.m. CT/6 p.m. ET.

Remember that ballots are sent via email from or Please check your spam folders.

The 2024 NABJ Board of Directors Elections results were announced on Aug. 2, 2024.


Eva Coleman Voted NABJ Vice President-Print

Eva Coleman, former NABJ Region III Director, was elected as NABJ Vice President-Print. Coleman received 504 votes (100%). She ran unopposed. Coleman is a Telly Award-winning producer with nearly 30 years in television, radio and newspaper in Dallas-Fort Worth. She is the Lifestyle and Culture Editor for I Messenger Media LLC.

Jasmine Styles Elected Treasurer 

Jasmine Styles, who was appointed by NABJ President Ken Lemon in 2023, was elected NABJ Treasurer. Styles received 498 votes (100%). She ran unopposed. Styles is a 12-year broadcast journalist who has previously served as President of the South Carolina Association of Black Journalists (2013) and the Tampa Bay Association of Black Journalists (2020).

Sia Nyorkor Reelected Parliamentarian 

Sia Nyorkor, an Emmy award-winning journalist with more than 20+ years experience, was reelected NABJ Parliamentarian with 498 votes (100%). She ran unopposed. Nyorkor is a reporter for WTHR-TV in Indianapolis. Nyorkor is a former Student Projects mentor, a former NABJ Producer, a former two-term Region II Director and has served as a Salute to Excellence judge and chair for more than 18 years.

NABJ Region II Director

Due to vacancy, this position will be appointed by the President.

Aaron Day Elected Region IV Director (Total eligible voters: 244)

Aaron Day, a Producer for Good Day LA at KTTV-TV, the Fox O&O in Los Angeles, was elected Region IV Director with 46 votes (100%).  He ran unopposed. He previously served as Vice President of the Seattle Association of Black Journalists and was a member of the San Diego and Los Angeles chapters. He currently serves as Chair of NABJ’s Black Male Media Project.

NABJ Academic Representative

Due to vacancy, this position will be appointed by the President.

Raschanda Hall Reelected Media-Related Representative  (Total eligible voters: 744)

Raschanda Hall, President and Founder of Social Pearls, LLC, in South Holland, Illinois, was reelected Media-Related Representative. She received 114 votes (80%). Her opponent, Gaelle Gilles, received 29 votes (20%). Hall has served as assistant to the Associate NABJ Board Rep; served on the NABJ-Chicago Board;  served as president of the Black Public Relations Society of Chicago; and served as the third VP of The Publicity Club of Chicago.