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Please Note: The NABJ Style Guide has undergone revisions in every section as of February 2025. New information and guidance/usage changes have been added. We are making minor tweaks before we announce the updates. Thanks for your patience and pardon our dust!
The NABJ Style Guide, which is compiled from a variety of sources, including the Associated Press Stylebook, NABJ Task Force recommendations, approved dictionaries, and available, up-to-date research, is aimed at serving the unique needs of our NABJ members and our colleagues.
In order to keep up with the changing landscape of journalism and the ever-evolving nature of language, this style guide is intended to be a living document that is updated at least annually. However, it may be necessary at times to provide style guidance as close to real-time as possible in order to keep up with trending news cycles. For example, George Floyd’s murder and the coronavirus pandemic introduced new words into our lexicon, which led to the need for newsrooms to seek guidance.
As journalists, we are called upon to use words every day … correctly and appropriately.
Most of us were indoctrinated in the Associated Press Stylebook somewhere early in our journalistic education and rely on it daily, and many of us work for news organizations guided by style books of their own that supplement or supplant other stylebooks.
NABJ Style is offered as a style book for newsrooms and others on terms and language usage of special interest or relevance to our membership and our community. It is meant to be as much a resource for our own members as for anyone else in newsrooms and journalism classrooms as well as other students, educators and researchers, etc.
Many NABJ members provided valuable leadership along the way. Many are involved in different aspects of news coverage and production and so have vast experience with different terms and issues that arise in newsrooms.
We certainly don’t expect universal agreement on what’s in this document. There are bound to be differences of opinion on the acceptability or style of a given name or term. This is an evolving document. Keep in mind that our emphasis is on accuracy, clarity, sensitivity, and providing information.
There also may be items that should be included that are not. Please contact if you have any suggestions.
We extend our thanks to the original committee members, who developed this document years ago, and our recent Board committee members, staff members, and consultant who helped to update the guide this year.
Sources consulted in developing NABJ Style include other media stylebooks, and the Asian American Journalists Association, National Association of Hispanic Journalists, Asian American Journalists Association, Indigenous Journalists Association, NLGJA: The Association of LGBTQ+ Journalists, and various encyclopedias and dictionaries. We recommend you also review their stylebooks.
Style books:
The Associated Press
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
The Hartford Courant
The San Diego Union-Tribune
The Star-Ledger (N.J.)
Encyclopedias (Includes Former Publications Used):
Microsoft Encarta Africana
Dictionaries (Includes Former Publications Used):
The American Heritage
Merriam-Webster Online
Urban Dictionary
Webster’s New World College
Random House Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary
Other sources:
Alpha Kappa Alpha
Alpha Phi Alpha
Delta Sigma Theta (No longer in publication.)
Iota Phi Theta
Kappa Alpha Psi
Maynard IJE
Omega Psi Phi
Phi Beta Sigma
Sigma Gamma Rho
Zeta Phi Beta
Remembering the jheri curl, the hairstyle we’d love to forget, by Andrew Guy Jr., Houston Chronicle
abolition: A major American reform movement that sought to end slavery in America using a wide range of tactics and organizations. While abolitionists are commonly portrayed as white people deeply concerned about the plight of enslaved Black people, and epitomized by William Lloyd Garrison and Harriet Beecher Stowe, many were African American, including Frederick Douglass and Sojourner Truth. Free Black people in the North also were stalwart in their dedication to the cause and provided financial support.
activist, advocate: An activist is someone who actively calls for political or social change. Often used to describe Black leaders engaged in nonviolent action or protest for a political or social change. Others who also push for causes, however, often are called advocates. Advocate is more neutral and a better choice for news copy, unless a subject describes himself or herself as an activist.
affirmative action: A program, practice, or process aimed at correcting the enduring effects of discrimination by allowing race and gender to be considered as factors in hiring and job advancement and college admissions of women and minorities. Affirmative action is sometimes confused with a quota (a prescribed number that must be met). Affirmative action aims for an exceeded target, while a quota sets a minimum number. (See also quota.) As of 2023-2024, there have been recent discussions around the legality of affirmative action programs, practices, and processes. View reporting on those discussions from the AP here.
African, African American, Black: The AP no longer hyphenates African American (2020). Not all Black people are African Americans (if they were born outside of the United States). Let a subject’s preference determine which term to use. In a story in which race is relevant and there is no stated preference for an individual or individuals, use Black because it is an accurate description of race. Be as specific as possible in honoring the preferences of how someone identifies, such as Haitian American or Jamaican American. Do not use race in a police description unless the report is highly detailed and gives more than just the person’s skin color. In news copy, aim to use Black as an adjective, not a noun. Also, when describing a group, use Black people, for example, instead of just “Blacks.”
For guidance on other capitalizations when race is relevant, see the AP’s guidance here.
African American Vernacular English (AAVE): American English dialect uniquely spoken in African American communities. Sometimes called Black English Vernacular, Vernacular Black English and Ebonics. Avoid using the term Ebonics. May be used in certain settings to denote differences between cultural background and current environment. See: Code switching
Africa: Avoid using Africa/African as a catch-all for the continent. Use the specific African country when possible. Africa is the second largest continent in area and population after Asia. It is in the eastern hemisphere, south of the Mediterranean and adjoining Asia in the northeast. The area is 11,677,240 square miles (30,244,050 square kilometers).
sub-Saharan Africa (or Black Africa) – A region south of the Sahara Desert and used to describe those countries not part of North Africa, the region north of the Sahara. Avoid using Black Africa because it is considered to be politically incorrect or insensitive to some.
North Africa – A region predominantly Arab or Berber in ethnicity or culture and is mostly associated with the Mediterranean and the Middle East. Sub-Saharan Africa is predominantly Black in ethnicity or culture and, with few exceptions, such as Mauritius and South Africa, is one of the poorest regions in the world.
The exact dividing line between the two regions is not clear. However, according to one classification, sub-Saharan Africa includes 48 nation’s, 42 of which are on the African mainland. Also, four island nations in the southwest Indian Ocean (Madagascar, The Comoros, Mauritius and Seychelles) and two in the Atlantic (Cape Verde and São Tomé and Príncipe) are considered part of Africa. Accordingly, the countries of Africa are:
Central Africa
Central African Republic
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Republic of the Congo
Eastern Africa
Northern Africa
Western Sahara
Southern Africa
South Africa
Western Africa
Burkina Faso
Cape Verde
Côte d’Ivoire
Equatorial Guinea
The Gambia
São Tomé and Príncipe
Sierra Leone
African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME): Independent Methodist organization dedicated to Black self-improvement and Pan-Africanist ideals. In 1794, Richard Allen, the first AME bishop, established Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Philadelphia. About 2,000 Black Methodists facing persistent discrimination met at Bethel to discuss legal independence from the Methodist church’s main body. Voting to organize under the name African Methodist Episcopal Church, the group successfully sued for independence before the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. AME is acceptable on second reference and in headlines. (See also Methodist Episcopal Church.)
African Methodist Episcopal Zion: Black members within the John Street Church in New York City and within American Methodism in general were denied ordination, forced to sit in segregated pews and limited in their access to the Methodist itinerant clergy and the Communion Table. Frustrated by this treatment, two Black John Street members, Peter Williams and William Miller, in 1796 founded the African Chapel. The chapel was later renamed Zion Church and its members became known as Zionites. In 1801, with the help of the Rev. John McClaskey, a white minister who had opposed the independence efforts of Richard Allen’s African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME) in Philadelphia, the Zion Church was incorporated as the African Methodist Episcopal Church of the City of New York. James Varick was its first pastor, later becoming the first Black African Methodist Episcopal Zion bishop. (See also Methodist Episcopal Church.)
African National Congress (ANC): Leading South African political party and mostly identified with the struggle against apartheid. Founded in 1912 by a group of middle-class, college-educated Black South Africans to fight racist laws by building solidarity among the country’s diverse societies. (See apartheid.) Nelson Mandela joined the ANC in 1941, became its leader in 1992 and the country’s first Black president in 1994. The other major South African political parties are the National Party and the Inkatha Freedom Party. ANC is acceptable on second reference and in headlines.
Afro-American: Archaic term to describe a Black person. Popular in the 1960s and 70s, the name was overtaken by Black and later African American in the 80s and 90s. Do not use it. (See African, African American, Black.)
Afrocentric, Afrocentrism: The study of Africa, its history and culture from a non-European perspective. The term Afrocentrism was first coined in 1976 by Molefi Kete Asante, Professor, Temple University.
AIDS: Acronym for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. It is a disease that weakens the body’s immune system and is spread primarily through sexual contact, contaminated needles, infected blood or blood products, and from pregnant women to offspring. It is the most advanced stage of HIV, the human immunodeficiency virus. Do not use AIDS and HIV interchangeably.
AIDS was first reported in America in 1981, and according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), affects seven times more Black people and three times more Hispanic people than White people. The CDC reported that “Black/African American people are most affected by HIV. In 2021, Black/African American people accounted for 40% (14,528) of all new HIV diagnoses.”
AIDS is acceptable in all references but should be briefly defined as an immunodeficiency disease in news copy.
alien: A term for an immigrant that often conveys overtones of menace or strangeness. Avoid its use in copy or headlines. Foreigners should also not be used. The preferred term for those who enter a country in violation of the law is undocumented immigrants.
ally: Someone who is not part of a specific community, i.e., Black, LGBTQ+, AAPI, but who actively supports that community.
animal references: Avoid comparing people with animals even if they have a name such as Tiger or Fox.
anti-Black: Anti-Black refers to actions or behaviors that minimize, marginalize or devalue the full participation of Black people in life. The spectrum of anti-Black actions and behaviors spans from unconscious bias to motivated acts of prejudice. They include the tolerance of or indifference to the under-representation, differential success and advancement, or experience of Black people.
apartheid: Racial segregation specifically, a policy of segregation and political and economic discrimination enforced by the white minority government against Black South Africans from 1948 to 1994.
articulate: As an adjective, the word is viewed by some as a subjective term that implies it is an exceptional occurrence for Black people to speak confidently, knowledgeably, clearly, eloquently, and/or reasonably on a topic. It is better to report what a person said rather than simply describe him or her as such.
aunt/auntie, uncle: Often used as a term of endearment by Black people. When not referring to a family relationship, the terms may be insensitive or offensive to some depending on its context. Historically, White people used the names often for any Black person in servitude. (See Aunt Jemima and Uncle Tom.) Today, the names are used in the Black community as terms of endearment or respect for non-family members or close family friends.
Aunt Jemima: Former American breakfast brand named after a former enslaved person that was renamed Pearl Milling Company in 2021. The brand change also removed the woman’s image to avoid any semblance of racial stereotypes. Born a slave in 1834, Nancy Green became the advertising world’s first living trademark as Aunt Jemima.
baby/baby’s mama, baby/baby’s daddy: Slang to imply parenthood out of wedlock. Avoid usage.
Baptist church: Black people were allowed to join the Baptist fold starting in the 1770s. Slave preachers were instituted to minister to slaves on plantations in the South while Black people in the North slowly became members of congregations. Black Baptists continued to organize their own congregations and associations throughout the 19th century. Today, there are more than 20 Baptist bodies in America. The largest, the Southern Baptist Convention, has 12 million members, mostly in the South, although it has churches in all 50 states. The largest Northern body is the American Baptist Church in the U.S.A., with about 1.5 million members. Black people predominate in three large Baptist bodies, the National Baptist Convention of America, National Baptist Convention U.S.A. Inc., and Progressive National Baptist Convention Inc. Baptist clergy members may be referred to as ministers. Pastor applies if a minister leads a congregation. On first reference, use the Rev. before the person’s name. On second reference, use the person’s last name.
bias, discrimination: Bias is a state of mind, a prepossession or prejudice toward an object, person or view. Discrimination is an action that springs from that state of mind; the unfair treatment of a person or group based on prejudice or bias. Discrimination and bias may be for or against something. For example, one may be biased in favor of left-handed reporters and one may practice discrimination in their favor. The two terms are not interchangeable, even for the sake of a good headline count.
Bid whist: A card game popular among Black people. Played with a standard 52-card deck plus two jokers, for a total of 54 cards. The two jokers must be distinct: one is called the big joker, the other the little joker. There are two two-player teams with each partner sitting opposite the other. The game’s object is to score seven points, or force the other team to go minus seven. Bidding for and winning tricks, also called books, score points.
BIPOC: An acronym that stands for “Black, Indigenous and people of color,” gained popularity in 2020. We recommend avoiding the blanket use of BIPOC, as many feel it dilutes their ethnicity. BIPOC is acceptable within quotes.
biracial: Combination of two races. May be used to describe people, but not all biracial individuals self-identify in this manner. Do not use mixed as an alternative.
Black: Use the capitalized term as an adjective in a racial, ethnic or cultural sense: Black people, Black culture, Black literature, Black studies, Black colleges. While African American is also acceptable for those in the U.S., keep in mind that it is inaccurate for those who are not or do not identify as African American. Do not use it as a singular or plural noun (i.e., Blacks). Note: Some cultures have varying definitions of what is considered “Black.” When in question, defer to the subject’s preference.
Black Church: Collective noun that refers to the more than 65,000 Christian churches that have a predominance of Black members and clerical leadership. The Black Church has served as a major institutional foundation in the Black community. It generally refers to Protestants, who themselves represent a variety of denominations and sects. It does not generally encompass Catholics, Muslims or others.
Black collectibles: Objects and memorabilia created by or about African American culture, usually acquired as a hobby. Some items are seen as perpetuating stereotypes.
Black Codes: Statutes curtailing rights of African Americans during early years of Reconstruction and instituted by Southern legislative bodies in 1865 and 1866. Also known as Negro Codes, the statutes aimed to restore the political powers and economic structure of slavery by, for example, forbidding Black people from owning or renting farmland. (See Landmark court decisions, Reconstruction.)
Black Diaspora: Black people of African descent who are scattered throughout the world; refers to Black people whose ancestors were removed from the African continent through slavery and colonization and dispersed worldwide.
Black Greek letter organizations (also called the Divine 9):
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. – Founded Jan. 15, 1908, at Howard University in Washington, D.C., by nine female students as the first intercollegiate Greek-letter organization. May use AKAs on second reference.
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc. – Founded Dec. 4, 1906, at Cornell University in Ithaca, N.Y., by seven male students as the first intercollegiate Greek-letter fraternity established for African Americans. May use Alphas on the second reference.
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. – Founded Jan. 13, 1913, at Howard University in Washington by 22 Black female students. May use Deltas on second reference.
Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc. – Founded Jan. 5, 1911, at Indiana University at Bloomington by 10 Black male students. May use Kappas on second reference.
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc. – Founded Nov. 17, 1911, at Howard University in Washington by three Black male students assisted by their faculty adviser. May use Omegas on second reference. Informally known as Ques or Q-Dogs.
Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc. – Founded Jan. 9, 1914, at Howard University in Washington, D.C., by three Black male students. May use Sigmas on second reference.
Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Inc. – Founded Nov. 12, 1922, in Indianapolis by seven school teachers. The group became an incorporated national collegiate sorority on Dec. 30, 1929, when a charter was granted to Alpha chapter at Butler University in the same city. Use Sigma women on second reference.
Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc. – Founded Jan. 16, 1920, at Howard University in Washington by five Black female students. May use Zetas on second reference.
Iota Phi Theta Fraternity Inc. – Founded Sept. 19, 1963, at Morgan State College (now Morgan State University) in Baltimore by 12 male college students. May use Iotas on second reference.
Black leader: Avoid using the term. It implies that one person is the spokesperson for all Black people. When referring to a local Black person in a leadership position, state the organization that he or she belongs to.
Black national anthem: Lift Every Voice and Sing (originally stylized as Lift Evry Voice and Sing), also commonly known as the Negro national anthem, was composed by James Weldon Johnson in 1900.
Black Muslim: Archaic term to describe members of the American Muslim Mission. Muslim is sufficient.
Black Twitter: A series of communities on Twitter (now called X) made up of Black users posting about issues of concern to people in Black communities.
Blackwashing: Term used to describe a Black character being placed into a “traditionally” white role. Often used in a derogatory manner by those who object to it.
bling-bling: Slang for wealth, big jewels and success associated with hip-hop culture.
Boom box: Do not use it to describe a big portable radio. Boom box/Boom boxes are acceptable.
boy, girl: Use boy to describe a male person who is 17 or younger. From 13 to 17, youth, teenager or teen also may be used. Man is preferable for someone 18 and older. Avoid calling someone a young man or young lady in news copy; it is vague and implies judgment. Avoid names such as old boy or old girl, too. A girl may be 17 or younger, but from age 13 through 17, teenager or teen is also suitable. At 18, she can be referred to as a woman. Do not refer to Black adults as boys, girls or gals.
brim: Slang for hat.
brother, brotha, bro, bruh: When not referring to a family relationship, brotha or bro is used as slang for brother, an affectionate term or greeting for a male person. Be mindful of appropriateness in news copy. May use in quotes.
brown (adj.) Avoid this broad and imprecise term in racial, ethnic or cultural references unless as part of a direct quotation. Interpretations of what the term includes vary widely. Be specific. If its use is necessary, do not capitalize.
buck: Archaic derogatory term for a healthy, strong Black male during slavery times. Slave owners would breed their bucks with young female slaves to produce superior slaves. Do not use it to describe a person.
buppie: Young, Black upwardly mobile urban professional. Mirrors the term yuppies coined for white professional persons under 40 who prospered during the 1980s. Avoid use in news copy because it is vague and outdated.
Cajun, Creole: Cajun is a native of Louisiana originally descended from the Acadian French immigrants. Creole is a person of European parentage born in the West Indies, Central America, tropical South America or the Gulf States.
cancel culture: The practice of engaging in mass canceling—or the masses shunning an individual or organization—as a way of expressing disapproval and exerting social pressure.
Civil Rights Act: Often used to describe the struggles of Black Americans between 1945 and 1970 to end discrimination and racial segregation. Congress passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 to guarantee basic civil rights for all Black Americans after nearly a decade of nonviolent protests and marches. Examples: the 1955-1956 Montgomery Bus Boycott, student-led sit-ins of the 1960s, and the March on Washington in 1963.
Civil Rights Movement: Often used to describe the struggles of Black Americans between 1945-1970 to end discrimination and racial segregation.
cisgender: Refers to a person whose gender identity aligns with the gender and sex assigned at birth. Use discretion as to whether its use is relevant or necessary to the story.
code-switching: A phrase often used to describe the difference in dialect and colloquialisms used by Black people when around those of other races.
colorectal cancers: Most commonly called colon cancer or rectal cancer, colorectal cancers most often develop from polyps, or small growths, in the colon. Colorectal cancer, also called CRC, disproportionately affects the Black community.
colored: An archaic term for Black. In some African countries, colored denotes those of mixed racial ancestry. Do not use unless referring to official names, historical events or in quotes. (See African, African American, Black.)
complexions: Black skin tones range from light to dark. Be sensitive when describing various shades of skin. Certain terms such as darkie, high-yellow, redbone, blue-black, or tar baby, are considered offensive by some and should be avoided.
Congo: Do not use to refer to the Democratic Republic of Congo, formerly called Zaire. It is sometimes called Congo-Kinshasa, after its capital, to distinguish it from the Republic of Congo, or Congo-Brazzaville. The name of the river is still Congo River, even though inhabitants of the former Zaire call it the Zaire.
Congress of Racial Equality (CORE): Civil Rights organization founded in 1942 as the Committee of Racial Equality by an interracial group of students in Chicago. Influenced by Mahatma Gandhi’s teachings of nonviolent resistance, the group sought to better race relations and end discrimination.
coronaviruses: A family of viruses, some of which cause disease in people and animals, named for the crownlike spikes on their surfaces. The term coronavirus is generally acceptable in references to the pandemic: coronavirus cases, coronavirus tests, coronavirus variants. Use the term COVID-19 when referring specifically to the disease: COVID-19 treatments, COVID-19 patients, COVID-19 deaths, recovering from COVID-19.
COVID-19: an acute, highly contagious, viral respiratory disease caused by a coronavirus and characterized by coughing, high fever, and difficulty breathing.
Criminal records use : To ensure accurate reporting and to avoid the villainization of victims, the existence of a prior criminal record — or even a previous arrest — should only be reported when there are facts proving that the prior criminal record was directly related to the incident being reported.
critical race theory (CRT): A set of ideas, which first began as an academic discipline in the 1970s, that says racial bias is inherent in many parts of Western society, especially in its legal and social institutions, on the basis of having been primarily designed for and implemented by white people. CRT is often conflated with any race-related or DEI teachings and is sometimes used by detractors to delegitimize DEI efforts in schools.
Crown Act: The CROWN Act, which stands for “Creating a Respectful and Open World for Natural Hair,” is a law that prohibits race-based hair discrimination, denying employment and educational opportunities because of hair texture or protective hairstyles.
culturally responsive teaching: Culturally Responsive Teaching refers to an important framework grounding K-12 educators, youth workers – and all who aspire to be socially aware — in the need to shift teaching and guiding principles to recognize cultural and historical differences. Acknowledging the status of various populations in systems of power means honoring students—rather than systems—with culturally responsive teaching.
dark continent: Avoid using it as a description for Africa. Considered offensive.
DEI: The abbreviation for diversity, equity and inclusion, DEI is a policy or practice designed to ensure and promote fair treatment and full participation opportunities for all people. DEI is focused on people who have been historically underrepresented or discriminated against. This phrase is most often used in the workplace and in schools.
Deep South: The Southern part of America. Uppercase when referring to the region that consists of Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, South Carolina, and Florida.
dialect: Language forms, particularly pronunciation and syntax, that are specific to a region or a group. If the writer is unsure of what the subject is saying, it is recommended that they paraphrase.
Digital Blackface: A practice where white people co-opt online expressions of Black imagery, slang, catchphrases, or culture to convey comic relief or express emotions.
diversity: Catchall term to describe a condition or environment that is multiracial and multicultural; being representative or reflective of the multiethnic society. Diversity is not synonymous with affirmative action, is not limited to race and is not government-mandated. A company can have a diverse staff mixing races, ages, sexes, sexual orientation, etc.
dominoes: Popular game in the Black community played by two or more people using 28 flat oblong shape pieces, which are plain at the back, but on the face are divided by a line in the middle, and either left blank or dotted like a dice. Players must match the dots or the blank of an unmatched half of a domino already played.
double Dutch: Popular Black children’s jump rope game in which two turners swing two ropes simultaneously in a crisscross pattern for the person jumping.
down low, DL: Slang for men who have sex with other men but do not necessarily classify themselves as gay or bisexual. These men have relationships with women but also have sex with men secretly. People usually won’t describe themselves as DL or down low, so use only in quotations or broad references.
dozens, the: Form of verbal play in which participants exchange taunts and insults.
driving while Black, DWB: Phrase or acronym describing racial profiling of Black motorists by police, especially when driving expensive cars or in upscale neighborhoods without reason. If used in quotes or copy, define what it means.
Ebonics: Slang or nonstandard form of the English language that is used by some in the Black community. Avoid using the form in news copy. (See dialect.)
ethnicity, race: Race and ethnicity are not interchangeable.
Race and ethnicity may be relevant in some stories, including the following:
Crime stories – A highly detailed description of a suspect sought by police can contain race. Be sure the description is properly attributed. Do not use descriptions that include only a few items or are vague, such as tall with dark clothes.
Biographical or announcement stories – Reserve race or ethnicity for significant, groundbreaking, or historic events such as winning a Nobel Prize, being named chief justice, or becoming mayor.
Equity: Equity means that, in some circumstances, people or organizations recognize and acknowledge people’s differences in order to provide meaningful equality of opportunity.
Equality: Equality means that everyone is treated the same, irrespective of their status or identity.
fag, faggot: Originally an offensive word for homosexual male, although some gay men now are reclaiming it. The word still is offensive when used as an epithet. Avoid usage.
forced busing: A failed attempt to diversify the racial make-up of schools by busing students to schools outside of their neighborhood or district.
Freaknik: An annual Black college spring break gathering of thousands of Black college students in 1982, in Atlanta, which was later labeled Freaknik. The last “official” Freaknik in Atlanta was held in 1999.
George Floyd: George Floyd was a Black American who was murdered by police officer Derek Chauvin in Minneapolis, Minnesota during an arrest made after a store clerk suspected Floyd of using a counterfeit $20 bill on May 25, 2020. Chauvin held his knee on Floyd’s neck for more than nine minutes, ultimately causing his death. Chauvin was convicted in 2021 of murder and manslaughter and was sentenced to more than 22 years in prison. Floyd’s death sparked numerous protests in the United States and globally against police brutality, especially toward Black people. Floyd’s last words, “I can’t breathe,” became a rallying cry.
ghetto, inner city, urban: Terms used as synonyms for sections of cities inhabited by poor people or Black people. Avoid these descriptions because of their negative connotations. Often the name of the neighborhood is the best choice. Section, district or quarter may also be used.
Gullah: A Creole blend of Elizabethan English and African languages, born of necessity on Africa’s slave coast and developed in slave communities of isolated plantations of the coastal South. Even after the Sea Islands were freed in 1861, the Gullah speech flourished because of the island’s separation from the mainland. Access to the islands was by water until the 1950s. (See Sea Islands.)
Great Migration, The : Mass movement by Southern Black people relocating to the North and West in the early 20th century. Although slavery had been illegal for three decades by the 1890s, Southern Black people generally felt a new de facto form of slavery. Lynchings, Jim Crow laws, and economic hardship showed little improvement since emancipation. From the 1890s to the 1970s, a great migration of Southern Black people moved to the “Promised Land of the North” in search of better jobs and greater racial tolerance. (See Jim Crow.)
hair: When describing a person’s hair in news stories, ask what style the hair is, don’t assume. Black hair comes in a variety of styles and textures.
HBCUs: Acronym for historically Black colleges and universities. Cheyney University of Pennsylvania became the nation’s first HBCU on February 25, 1837. There are 105 institutions founded primarily for the education of African Americans, although their charters are not exclusionary. Most HBCUs are 50 to 100 years old. HBCU is acceptable on second reference and in headlines.
HBCU Caucus: Launched in April 2015 to support the nation’s Historically Black Colleges and Universities, the mission of the Bipartisan Congressional HBCU Caucus is to highlight and address unique challenges that HBCUs face; and to make sure their needs are heard and recognized on Capitol Hill. The Bipartisan Congressional HBCU Caucus is an official caucus approved by the Committee on House Administration in the 114th Congress.
HBCU classics: Special college football games in which two HBCUs compete. Unlike bowl games, classics take place during college football’s regular season; they differ from standard regular season games in that they are often accompanied by battle of the bands, parades, tailgate parties, social events, concerts, job fairs, and are often played at touristic neutral sites. Football classics annually attract large crowds of alumni, fans and spectators in general, along with high media interest and corporate sponsorships. A classic may pair two rivals year after year or feature a single host school with rotating opponents. Ex. Bayou Classic, Orange Blossom Classic.
HBCU Week: National HBCU Week, the second week in September, celebrates HBCUs and pays tribute to the legacies of promoting equal opportunities for high-quality education. The week includes an annual conference in Washington, D.C., where HBCUs are celebrated and acknowledged. The conference also recognizes select scholars and alumni from the HBCU community.
homo: An offensive and derogatory term. Do not use it.
Islam: Youngest of the world’s three major monotheistic religions. Like Judaism and Christianity, its followers believe in a single deity.
Jack and Jill of America Inc.: A service-oriented organization founded in 1938 in Philadelphia by Marion Stubbs Thomas and a group of mothers who wanted to bring Black children together in a nurturing and culturally enriching environment. The group has more than 8,000 members and is organized into seven regions nationwide, each with local chapters servicing families and communities.
January 6/U.S. Capitol Attack – Often referred to as just January 6, this date references Jan. 6, 2021. On January 6, a mob attacked the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington, D.C., following then-President Donald Trump’s defeat in the 2020 presidential election.
Jim Crow: A system of laws and practices that enforced racial segregation and discrimination against Black people, especially in the South, from the late 19th century to the 1960s. Jim Crow was the name of a routine performed by Daddy Rice, a white minstrel show entertainer in the 1830s. Rice covered his face with charcoal paste or burnt cork and sang and danced in caricature of a silly Black person. Jim Crow became a racial epithet and synonymous with the brutal segregation and disenfranchisement of African Americans.
Juneteenth: Juneteenth, which is observed on June 19, marks the date in 1865 when Union troops marched to Galveston, Texas to enforce the Emancipation Proclamation, which was issued more than two years prior in 1863. This act freed the last enslaved Black Americans in Texas, which was the last state of the Confederacy in which enslaved people officially gained their freedom. Juneteenth was made a Federal holiday in 2021.
Karen: Slang term originally meant to denote a white woman who calls police or other authorities to report what the woman perceives as an offense done by Black people.
kente: Colorful woven fabric used as blankets or cut and sewn into garments dating back to the 12th century and originating in Ghana. Royalty and important figures in Ghana society wore it during ceremonial events and special occasions. Kente is derived from kenten, which means basket, and is typically in an interlaced pattern. Kente is widely made and worn across West Africa and is also a symbol of African American pride.
keloid: A raised scar that can develop after skin injury. During the healing process, the skin cells overproduce, creating a dense, dome-shaped formation. People of African or Asian descent are more likely to get keloids than those with lighter skin.
kicks: Slang for footwear.
Ku Klux Klan: Official name, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan; founded in 1915, a secret organization directed toward hatred of non-whites.
Kwanzaa: Swahili for first fruits of the harvest; an African American cultural holiday occurring Dec. 26 to Jan. 1 and derived from traditional African harvest festivals. A candle is lit each day symbolizing Kwanzaa’s seven principles: unity (umoja), self-determination (kujichagulia), collective work and responsibility (ujamaa), cooperative economics (ujima), purpose (nia), creativity (kuumba), and faith (imani). The candle holder is called a kinara. Political activist Maulana Karenga is credited with creating Kwanzaa in 1966.
Landmark court decisions
Some landmark court decisions impacting Black people in America include:
Affirmative Action (1978) – A landmark decision by the Supreme Court of the United States that involved a dispute of whether preferential treatment for minorities could reduce educational opportunities for White people without violating the Constitution.
Bailey vs. Patterson (1962) – A Supreme Court decision that determined Black people had the right to have access to non-segregated transportation services. This occurred after the arrest of the Freedom Riders in the South (1961), when they protested segregation.
Dred Scott vs. Sanford (1857) – Supreme Court holds that Congress cannot prohibit slavery in the territories, that Black people are not citizens, and residence in a free state does not confer freedom on them. The decision hastened the start of the Civil War by sweeping aside legal barriers to expanding slavery and inciting anger in the North.
Civil Rights Cases (1883) – Declaring the Civil Rights Act of 1875 unconstitutional, the Supreme Court strikes it down. The court said social rights are beyond federal control, but Black people cannot be excluded from juries. Congress introduced the statute in 1870 and it became law on March 1, 1875. It held that all persons, regardless of race, color, or previous condition, were entitled to full and equal employment or accommodation in inns, public conveyances on land or water, theaters, and other places of public amusement.
Plessy vs. Ferguson (1896) – Supreme Court decides that if segregated railroad cars offer equal accommodations, then such segregation is not discriminatory and does not deprive Black people of 14th Amendment rights to equal protection. The separate but equal doctrine was not struck down until 1954 in Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka.
Guinn vs. United States (1915) – Supreme Court rules that the grandfather clause that disenfranchised most Black Americans is unconstitutional. The clause adopted by Oklahoma and Maryland exempted citizens from certain voter qualifications if their grandparents had voted; obviously, this did not apply to those whose grandparents lived before the 15th Amendment ratified.
Hansberry vs. Lee (1940) – Supreme Court rules that Black citizens cannot be prevented from buying homes in White neighborhoods.
Loving vs. Virginia (1967) – Supreme Court case that abolished restrictions on interracial marriages in the U.S. The plaintiffs were Richard, a White man, and Mildred, a Black woman, whose marriage was considered illegal in Virginia.
Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka (1954) – Supreme Court unanimously overturns Plessy vs. Ferguson and declares that segregated public schools violate the 14th Amendment’s equal protection clause.
Gomillion vs. Lightfoot (1960) – Supreme Court rules that drawing election districts so Black people constitute a minority in all districts violates the 15th Amendment.
Griggs vs. Duke Power Co. (1971) – Supreme Court makes its first ruling on the job-bias provisions of Civil Rights Act of 1964, declaring objective criteria, unrelated to job skills, for hiring workers are discriminatory if minorities end up disadvantaged.
Swann vs. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education (1971) – Supreme Court upholds school busing for the purpose of ensuring racial balance in areas where segregation has been official policy and school authorities have not come up with a viable alternative to busing.
University of California Regents vs. Bakke (1978) – Supreme Court rules that the University of California Medical School at Davis must admit White applicant Allan Bakke, who argued that the school’s minority admissions program made him a victim of reverse discrimination.
City of Richmond vs. J.A. Croson (1989) – Supreme Court declares illegal a Richmond, Va., set-aside program mandating that 30 percent of the city’s public works funds go to minority-owned firms. Such programs are only legal if they redress identified discrimination.
Busing Cases (1991-92) – Supreme Court issues Oklahoma and Georgia rulings, saying school systems don’t have to bus students to overcome school segregation caused by segregated housing patterns.
Cappachione vs. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools et al. (1999) – Federal District Court Judge Robert Potter bars Charlotte-Mecklenburg school system from using race to assign students to schools, effectively ending court-ordered busing mandated in the landmark Swann vs. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education case in 1971.
Tuttle vs. Arlington County (Va.) school board (1999) – Supreme Court rules the board cannot use a weighted admission lottery to promote racial and ethnic diversity.
Eisenberg vs. Montgomery County (Md.) Public Schools (1999) – Supreme Court rules that the school board could not deny a student’s request to transfer to a magnet school because of his/her race.
LGBTQ+: Acceptable in all references for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and/ or questioning individuals. Black LGBTQ people have their own unique lived experiences, different from their non-Black LGBTQ+ and non-LGBTQ+ counterparts. It is important that journalists be aware of these statistics and not, unintentionally or otherwise, perpetuate stereotypes or spread stigma associated with these factors.
Links, Inc.: Founded in 1946 by Margaret Hawkins and Sarah Scott in Philadelphia, now based in Washington, a community-service group formed to provide a chain of friendship among Black women, services to youth and families, and support of education and the arts.
lupus: A chronic disease that affects immunity. Normally, the body’s immune system makes proteins called antibodies to protect against viruses, bacteria, and other foreign materials. Lupus causes the immune system to attack healthy tissues and organs. It can harm various parts of the body, especially the skin, joints, kidneys, lungs, brain, and heart. Lupus often affects Black women.
Methodist Episcopal Church: American Protestant denomination whose initial progress in ministering to Black Americans was thwarted by segregationist policies. The three major Black denominations are African Methodist Episcopal Church, African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church and Christian Methodist Episcopal Church. (See African Methodist Episcopal Church and African Methodist Episcopal Zion.)
Middle Passage: The transatlantic voyages between Africa and the Americas that claimed the lives of approximately 1.8 million Africans over a period of about 350 years. An estimated 12 million Africans were enslaved and packed into the belly of slave ships. (See slavery.)
militant: Commonly used to describe an aggressive activist working for a cause; a person eager to engage in a struggle to achieve a righteous common goal.
Million Man March: Washington, D.C. rally held on Oct. 16, 1995 on the Washington Mall and organized by Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan and the Rev. Benjamin Chavis to draw attention to the social conditions of Black men and to urge them to assume control over their lives.
Million Woman March: Philadelphia march and rally held on Oct. 25, 1997, and organized by community activists Asia Coney and Phile Chionesu and seeking to build coalitions within the Black community. The event was held at Philadelphia’s Benjamin Franklin Parkway.
minister: Clergy member; pastor; person authorized to conduct religious worship or administer sacraments.
minority, minorities: Considered a group or groups differing especially in race, religion or ethnicity from the majority of a population. Do not use this term as it can be offensive to Black people.
mixed: Sometimes used to describe a person who is biracial. Avoid the term in this context. (See biracial.)
Montgomery Bus Boycott: Yearlong protest in the Alabama city that galvanized the Civil Rights Movement and led to the 1956 Supreme Court decision declaring segregated seating on buses unconstitutional. (See Civil Rights Movement.)
Motown: Formerly Black-owned record company that became the most commercially successful and culturally influential of the 1960s, producing a distinct musical style and many singing icons. Motown Records is now part of the Universal Music Group. Can also be used as an adjective to describe the musical style or city in which it originated, Detroit.
mudcloth: Handmade African textile made of cotton originated centuries ago by women of Mali, West Africa. Mudcloth is an authentic traditional art form. The cloth is dyed in a tea of leaves and barks, then painted with mud and used for decorative purposes and garments.
Music: Black music is inspired by African cultural traditions, which have led to the creation of genres including, but not limited to:
afrobeats – Music originating in Nigeria that emphasizes percussion rhythms and features components of jazz, funk, and more.
blues, the – Music originating in the late 19th century that connoted both an emotional state and musical format. Emerged during troubled times of the post-Reconstruction South when Southern Black people experienced disfranchisement, oppression and violence. During the 20th century, the blues became the world’s most familiar musical form through its role in rhythm and blues (R&B) and early rock n roll.
calypso – African-Caribbean music combining syncopated phrasing and orchestration, which often includes guitars, maracas, brass and wind instruments, drums and steel drums (originally modified oil drums). The lyrics are frequently improvised and usually address current events or social concerns; folk music primarily from Trinidad.
gospel – Arising out of 20th century Black culture, a music style that builds upon the long-standing traditions of Black religious expression, incorporating joyous songs of celebration and worship.
hip-hop – Urban music that emerged in the late 1970s. An African American musical innovation that blends classic R&B, pop and rap music. Hip-hop is a catchall term for rap and the culture it spawned. (See rap.)
jazz – Music of the 20th century characterized by improvisation, a distinctive rhythmic approach called swing and an expectation that each musician achieve a unique, individual sound. Jazz includes such styles as swing, big band, bebop, cool, hard bop, free jazz and contemporary acid jazz.
rap – Music of rhyming lyrics spoken rhythmically over musical instruments, often with a backdrop of sampling, scratching and mixing by DJs. Originally, rapping was called MCing and seen as supporting the DJ. Sampling involves reusing a portion of a recording as an element in a new recording. Scratching involves using your hand to move a vinyl record back and forth while it plays on a turntable, creating a distinctive sound.
R&B, rhythm and blues – Musical style evolving from the blues and laying groundwork for rock n roll. R&B developed after World War II and reflected the growing confidence of urban Black people. It broke through racial barriers, achieving unprecedented recognition in U.S. popular culture. R&B kept the pace and the drive of up-tempo blues, but its instrumentation was sparer and emphasis was on song, not improvisation.
reggae – African-Caribbean music originating in Jamaica that blends blues, calypso and rock n roll, and is characterized by a strong syncopated rhythm and lyrics of social protest.
soul – Music influenced by gospel and which emerged in the 1960s from R&B. The music, funkier and looser than the driving rhythms of R&B, gained popularity with songs that addressed social issues and Black pride.
spirituals – Songs of religious expression of slaves that often had a double purpose. While retelling the stories of the bible, the lyrics also allowed the slaves to secretly communicate plans for escape.
Muslim: Muslims holy book is the Qur’an, which, according to Islamic belief, was revealed by Allah (God) to the prophet Muhammad through an angel in the 7th century in Mecca and Medina. (See Koran.) Muslims worship in a mosque and their weekly holy day, equivalent to the Christian Sabbath, is Friday. It is the religion of about 850 million people worldwide. Although Arabic is the language of the Qur’an, not all Arabs are Muslim and not all Muslims are Arabs. The holiest city in Islam is Mecca, in modern-day Saudi Arabia. There are a number of sects in Islam, which include Sunni (the largest) and Shiite (the second-largest).
mulatto: A person who has a White parent and a Black parent. Avoid using the term; considered to be insensitive. Better to use biracial. (See biracial.)
NAACP: National Association for the Advancement of Colored People was founded Feb. 12, 1909 by a multiracial group of activists, who called themselves the National Negro Committee. Its founders were Ida Wells-Barnett, W.E.B. DuBois, Henry Moscowitz, Mary White Ovington, Oswald Garrison Villiard and William English Walling. From its beginning, the NAACP’s mission has been to improve the legal, educational and economic lives of Black people. It is headquartered in Baltimore, Maryland. The acronym is acceptable in all references.
NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund Inc.: Founded in 1940 under leadership of Thurgood Marshall, the Legal Defense Fund provides legal assistance to poor Black citizens. It was originally affiliated with the NAACP, but it has been an entirely separate organization since 1957, with a national office in New York and regional offices in Washington and Los Angeles. Its nearly two dozen staff lawyers are assisted by hundreds of cooperating attorneys across the nation. Use Legal Defense Fund on second reference.
National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) – Based in College Park, Md., an organization of journalists, students and media-related professionals that provides programs and services to and advocates on behalf of Black journalists worldwide. Founded by 44 visionaries on Dec. 12, 1975, in Washington, NABJ is the world’s oldest and largest organization of journalists of color. Many NABJ members also belong to one of dozens of affiliated local professional and student chapters. NABJ is acceptable on second reference.
Nation of Islam: A religious movement established during the Great Depression in Detroit in 1930 by Wallace D. Fard, a salesman. Louis Farrakhan now leads the organization, in which key leaders have included Elijah Muhammad and Malcolm X. The Nation of Islam’s teachings are of Black nationalism and separatism. Many of its beliefs and practices differ from the Orthodox Islam Church. The Nation of Islam produces The Final Call, an internationally circulated newspaper and operates its National Center and headquarters in Chicago. Commonly known in the Black community as simply The Nation, use the full name of the organization in news copy. The Fruit of Islam is the organization’s official security force, providing bodyguards for its leaders and others.
National Coalition of 100 Black Women: Founded in 1981, a nonprofit organization with a mission to develop socially conscious female leaders committed to furthering equality and empowerment for Black people, improving their neighborhoods and communities and serving disadvantaged youths. It is headquartered in Atlanta.
National Negro League: A professional baseball league for Black people founded in 1920 by pitcher Andrew Rube Foster. During the Jim Crow era, Major League Baseball excluded Black players so they formed their own teams with Black people in all key roles. The Negro League was widely successful and supported in Black communities. Other Black leagues followed, including Eastern Colored League and Southern Negro League. Jackie Robinson integrated Major League Baseball in 1947. The last Black clubs folded in the early 1960s.
National Urban League: Founded in 1910, the Urban League is a nonprofit, community-based organization that seeks to help Black Americans secure economic self-reliance, parity and civil rights. It is headquartered in New York City and has affiliates in 90-plus cities nationwide.
Negro: Use African American or Black. Do not use it to describe a person of African descent. Do not use Negress. (See African American, Black and race.) Term acceptable in organization names and historical references, for example, National Council of Negro Women or Negro National Anthem. The word Negro was adopted from the Spanish and Portuguese and first recorded in the mid-16th century. It remained the standard term between the 17th-19th centuries and was used by prominent Black American campaigners such as W. E. B. Du Bois and Booker T. Washington in the early 20th century. Since the Black Power movement of the 1960s, however, when Black was favored as the term to express racial pride, Negro and related words such as Negress were dropped and now are out of date, even offensive in some cases.
nigger: Racial slur; a contemptuous term for a Black person. The word nigger was first used as an adjective denoting a Black person in the 17th century and has had strong offensive connotations ever since. It remains one of the most racially charged words in the English language. Also known as the n-word. “Nigga” is a variation of nigger that also gained traction. It is used occasionally in entertainment culture. Some people consider it altogether different than nigger, considering it a term of affection or just neutral. Many still consider it a slur, no matter the spelling. The truncated version of the racial slur “nigger” is n-word, a contemptuous term for a Black person. The term “n-word” should only be used when necessary to the story, such as in a quote.
Nonbinary: Refers to a person whose gender identity and/or expression is neither male nor female. Nonbinary people may identify as somewhere between male and female or reject a binary categorization of gender altogether. Use only if people refer to themselves as nonbinary, or in quotations or names of organizations.
Officer-involved shooting: Avoid broad usage of the phrase when discussing situations in which police discharge a weapon. Instead, as much as possible, describe specific details of a shooting incident involving police, including who fired the shots(s), initial circumstances of the encounter leading up to a police shooting, names of officers, and any other pertinent details. The phrase alone is non-specific and can create unintentional bias toward the individual who was shot, particularly if it is a person of color.
people of color: Acceptable when necessary in broad references to multiple races other than white. Example: We will hire more people of color. Nine playwrights of color collaborated on the script. Be aware, however, that many people of various races object to the term for various reasons, including that it lumps together into one monolithic group anyone who isn’t white. Be as specific as possible when discussing race to avoid lumping multifaceted groups of people together.
Pronoun use: If sources share a transgender or gender-nonconforming identity on the record, ask which pronouns they use and incorporate them into reporting as needed.
primitive: Avoid using this potentially insulting term to describe a person or people.
projects: Abbreviated slang for housing projects. Do not use either term to describe a person’s dwelling. Better to say housing development.
quotas: A specific or presubscribed number that must be met to reach a certain goal. A buzzword often used in the affirmative action debate, however, it is not synonymous with affirmative action, which is a practice, activity or program aimed at correcting the enduring effects of discrimination and helping to diversify businesses, organizations and schools.
Qu’ran: Sacred book of Muslims, who believe that it contains the words of Allah dictated to the prophet Mohammed through the angel Gabriel. It is divided into 114 chapters or suras, and is accepted as the foundation of Islamic law, religion, culture, and politics. (See Islam.)
race: See ethnicity, race.
Race/racism: Racism is a set of attitudes, beliefs and actions asserting racial differences in character, intelligence, etc., and asserting the superiority of one race over another, or racial discrimination or feelings of hatred or bigotry toward people of another race.
The terms systemic racism, structural racism and institutional racism refer to social, political and institutional systems and cultures that contribute to racial inequality in areas such as employment, health care, housing, the criminal justice system and education.
Rastafarians: Members of a political and religious movement among Black people Jamaica and several other countries. This messianic movement dates back to the 1930s. Rastafarians believe that Haile Selassie (originally known as Ras Tafari), a former emperor of Ethiopia, is the only true God and consider him the messiah. They believe that Black people are the Israelites reincarnated and have been subjected to the white race in divine punishment for their sins; they will eventually be redeemed by repatriation to Africa. These beliefs, first enunciated in 1953, can be traced to several independent proponents, particularly Marcus Garvey. Some Rastafarian rituals include the use of marijuana, considered a holy weed, and the chanting of revivalist hymns. Reggae music is the popular music of the movement.
reparations: A proposed concept of government-issued funding and social programs intended to compensate Black people for past injustices of slavery and discrimination. Past apologies and compensations to other ethnic groups for atrocities against them prompted Black people to advocate for similar reparations. Most favor investing the money in education and economic development for Black communities. This proposed use of reparations contrasts with that of some earlier reparation movements that sought to create and fund an independent Black state (in Africa or the southern United States) or to secure pensions for ex-slaves and their descendants.
Reconstruction: Period after the Civil War in which attempts were made to rebuild the South and solve the political, social, and economic problems arising from the readmission to the Union of the 11 Confederate states that had seceded at or before the war. Most historians consider Reconstruction to have taken place 1865-1877. Newly emancipated Black people, with the help of government and supporters, assisted in reconstructing society.
redneck: A derogatory term most often used negatively to describe Southern or rural white people. Do not use it.
reverse discrimination/reverse racism: A term used to imply discrimination against certain groups regarded as having benefited from former policies of discrimination in hiring, college admissions, etc., directed against certain other ethnic groups and women. The two terms have in recent years been used interchangeably, increasingly in regard to race and sexual orientation.
Sambo: Historically, the term was used to describe a “happy” Black slave. Today, it is an offensive term. Do not use it in copy.
Scottsboro case: In 1931, two White women stepped from a train boxcar in Paint Rock, Alabama, and falsely accused nine Black teenagers of rape while on the train. The case became a cause celebre and a symbol of racism and injustice in the South; the teenagers came to be known as the Scottsboro Nine or Scottsboro Boys. After several retrials, worldwide protests, and two Supreme Court rulings, four of the nine were freed after six years in jail. In 1976, Gov. George Wallace pardoned all nine.
Sea Islands: Low-lying chain of more than 100 sandy islands off the coasts of South Carolina, Georgia and Florida, extending between the Santee and St. Johns rivers and along the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway. Considered the center of Gullah culture, the islands became home to many former slaves, similar to the maroon colonies in Jamaica and other areas. Islands within the boundaries of South Carolina include Parris Island, Port Royal Island, and St. Helena Island. Those within Georgia include Cumberland Island (largest in the chain), St. Simons Island, St. Catherines Island (no apostrophes, and Sea Island. Amelia Island is within Florida’s boundaries. (See Gullah.)
sickle cell anemia: An inherited chronic anemia found chiefly among Black people, characterized by abnormal red blood cells. Unlike normal red cells, which are usually smooth and donut-shaped, sickle-shaped red cells cannot squeeze through small blood vessels. Instead, they stack up and cause blockages that deprive organs and tissues of oxygen-carrying blood. The disease has no cure but can be treated with drugs and/or blood transfusions.
sister, sista, sistah, sis: Terms used to refer to a family member, close friend or an affectionate, respectful term for another Black woman. Be mindful of appropriateness in news copy. May use in quotes.
slaves/slavery: Avoid using the word “slaves” when possible. Instead, use the term “enslaved person/people.” The first Black African enslaved people in the American colonies arrived in the early 1600s. As the colonies grew, the demand for slave labor also increased. By 1750, 200,000 slaves lived in the colonies, the majority of them living and working in the South. Hundreds of thousands of African people were brought to America during The Middle Passage and millions of others died along the way. Those enslaved were forced to work on farms and plantations, enduring brutality, cruelty, abuse, and suffering.
sports stereotypes: Avoid characterizations of Black athletes as naturally being better than athletes of other ethnic backgrounds. Such depictions are reminiscent of slavery, when owners described their male slaves as bucks and tried to breed them with female slaves to produce superior slaves.
southern cross: The Confederate battle flag used during the Civil War, which remains offensive to some Black Americans because it represents the Confederacy and the era of slavery. The flag has a red background, with two blue stripes in a cross, and 13 white stars inside the stripes. Some have described the Southern Cross as a proud symbol of Southern heritage. The Ku Klux Klan and other racist hate groups have also appropriated it. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, more than 500 extremist groups use the Southern Cross as one of their symbols.
soul food: The cuisine originated during slavery when enslaved people were given leftovers or undesirable cuts of meat by their owners, supplemented by vegetables they grew themselves. Today, some of the dishes include collard greens, fried chicken, ham hocks, black-eyed peas, yams, and cornbread.
suicide: Use “died by suicide” instead of “committed suicide” when necessary to denote manner of death. Include in stories the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline (formerly known as the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline): Call or text 988 or chat at
Third World: Commonly used to describe underdeveloped countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America. These nations and the people there are often cast as being uncivilized or primitive. Avoid using the term because of its negative connotations. Better to say developing countries. Use in quotes only if necessary.
Transgender: The term transgender includes people who were assigned as male or female at birth and later identified as the other. But it sometimes is understood as an umbrella term covering other people with nontraditional gender identities, possibly including, but not limited to, genderqueer and agender people.
Underground Railroad: In the United States before the Civil War, a vast network of people organized to free enslaved people from the South. It started in the colonial period and reached its peak in the early 1830s. An estimated 100,000 men, women and children were freed using the secretive system of safe houses and transportation. Enslaved people often used songs to relay messages of escape. Known as the conductor of the Underground Railroad, Harriet Tubman made 19 trips into the South and escorted over 300 enslaved people to freedom.
United Negro College Fund, The (UNCF): One of the nation’s largest, oldest and most comprehensive higher education assistance organization. UNCF provides funding and services for 37 member historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs), scholarships and internships for students at almost 1,000 institutions and faculty and administrative professional training. May use UNCF on second reference.
“Uncle Tom’s Cabin” (or Life Among the Lowly): 1852 antislavery novel and controversial bestseller by Harriet Beecher Stowe that increased sentiment against slavery. The main character Uncle Tom, is a pious and faithful slave sold by his master to a brutal plantation owner, who later beat Uncle Tom to death. Before dying, Uncle Tom prayed for his master’s repentance and salvation. Some historians credit the novel with helping to prompt the Civil War. The name Uncle Tom is used today as a term of contempt.
Unconscious/implicit bias: Biases that influence how we assess a person or a situation before we have the facts. It’s important to acknowledge that everyone has unconscious or implicit biases to ensure such biases are limited in our reporting.
Unhoused: Preferred usage instead of the word “homeless.” Also acceptable to say people experiencing homelessness.”
Voting Rights Act: Enacted on Aug. 6, 1965, it empowered the federal government to oversee voter registration and elections in communities, especially in the South, that had used tests to determine voter eligibility and/or where registration or turnout was less than 50 percent in the 1964 presidential election. It also banned discriminatory literacy tests and expanded voting rights for non-English-speaking Americans. The law’s effects were wide and powerful. By 1968, for example, nearly 60 percent of eligible Black people were registered to vote in Mississippi. The Voting Rights Act was extended in 1970, 1975 and 1982 and despite some setbacks and debates, it had an enormous impact by helping elect Black lawmakers at the local, state and national levels.
white supremacy: The social, economic and political repression and exploitation of non-white people based on notions of racial superiority.
Woke: A slang term that originally described enlightenment or awakening about issues of racial and other forms of social justice. Some people and groups, especially conservatives, now use it in a derogatory sense to denigrate any form of social justice or civil rights interventions.
Numbered Terms
100 Black Men of America Inc.: National organization of Black men aiming to improve quality of life in their communities. The group started in New York in 1963 when a few Black men met to explore ways of making a difference. Over time, the group adopted the name 100 Black Men Inc. as a sign of solidarity. In 1986, it became a national entity and was renamed 100 Black Men of America Inc. and now boasts more than 10,000 members in more than 100 chapters, with 100,000 youths annually participating in mentoring and development programs.
411: Slang for information.
NABJ follows the most current version of The Associated Press Stylebook as well as the current version of its style guide. Some style usage may change on a case-by-case basis, depending on the material or subject matter.
Current adopted NABJ style includes, but is not limited to:
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