NABJ Addresses Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Rollbacks at Paramount/CBS and Apple

NABJ Issues Statement on Recent Changes at NBCUniversal
02/25/2025NABJ supports and stands with our members and all employees at Paramount/CBS as they resist the company’s harmful rollbacks of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) initiatives.
These actions undermine progress, break the company’s commitment to supporting an inclusive pool of journalists, and are dismissive of the diverse audiences the company serves. NABJ has reached out to company leadership in an effort to address these concerns, including reports about anxieties created within all levels of its workforce as employees express that they believe the rollbacks are wrong.
NABJ also would like to applaud the overwhelming pushback and courage of Apple shareholders who have rejected the company’s efforts to roll back DEI initiatives. The company’s DEI rollbacks are at odds with what the company’s leadership has said about a “culture of collaboration” fueling Apple’s success.