NABJ Disturbed by Silencing of Voices at Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
NABJ Disturbed by Silencing of Voices at Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
NABJ Statement on Capitalizing Black and Other Racial Identifiers
06/11/2020NABJ Disturbed by Silencing of Voices at Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
The National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) is greatly disturbed by developments at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.
NABJ’s local chapter, the Pittsburgh Black Media Federation (PBMF), is closely monitoring the situation and put out a statement regarding developments here:
“NABJ is strongly against silencing the voices of those who bring unique and objective perspectives to coverage,” said NABJ President Dorothy Tucker. “We believe that hiring and supporting a diverse group of employees are critical steps that all media organizations should be taking in practicing excellence in journalism.”
We call on the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette to assess its policies including those associated with social media while improving the management of employee relations.
All employees, including Black employees, deserve to be heard without retribution for opinions that may differ from management’s viewpoint. NABJ and PBMF look forward to discussions regarding these issues.
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