NABJ Joins NFOIC & 130 Plus Orgs to Sign Statement on Government Coronavirus Emergency Transparency
Posted by cole
March 20, 2020 5:19 pm

NABJ Joins NFOIC & 130 Plus Orgs to Sign Statement on Government Coronavirus Emergency Transparency
Statement on President’s Treatment of Journalists During Coronavirus Briefings
03/22/2020NABJ Joins NFOIC & 130 Plus Orgs to Sign Statement on Government Coronavirus Emergency Transparency
By The National Freedom of Information Coalition
132 organizations (including NABJ) have signed a statement to state, tribal and local public institutions voicing concerns about transparency and access to meetings and records as these institutions respond to the Coronavirus emergency. Organizations representing diverse constituencies and political ideologies have joined together to advise these governing bodies that real time public engagement in government proceedings and unfettered access to information must not be sacrificed in order to streamline deliberations and decision making.