Statement From NABJ on Media Reports Regarding Kim Godwin

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05/07/2024The National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) stands firmly behind ABC News President Kim Godwin.
We are concerned over recent media reports that seem to be written with the intention of undermining the leadership of the first Black woman to take the helm of a global news organization.
Many of the latest articles surrounding her leadership fail to demonstrate basic journalism by providing alternative viewpoints.
There seems to be an intentionality to cite anonymous sources as Godwin’s detractors, coupled with the use of derogatory or stereotypical terms to describe her. Meanwhile, these reports are totally ignoring sources and facts that speak to Godwin having significant support inside the organization.
Those supporters have told NABJ that they see the attacks, perpetrated through media reports, as “racially motivated” or in reaction to her not being in what some in the industry call the “good old boy network” of players.
NABJ is extremely disappointed to see such a reckless, unbalanced, and unfair style of reporting, as demonstrated in other stories that do not have alternative viewpoints and, in some cases, have racially insensitive language, unlike a recent Wall Street Journal article. The Journal provided differing viewpoints with more perspective and fairness regarding Godwin’s performance and relationship with staff.
Because of Godwin’s demonstrated and long commitment to NABJ, its membership, and the journalism industry as a whole, NABJ will not be silent about what we believe is unfair treatment, nor will we stand idly by and watch the violation of basic journalism principles used to diminish such a historic moment for Black women in news leadership. We will be meeting with ABC News and Disney executives to talk about a path forward.