NABJ Congratulates President Tucker on Three Murrow Awards

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05/12/2021The NABJ family congratulates President Dorothy Tucker who has been recognized in three winning regional RTDNA Edward R. Murrow Awards categories.
Winning in the Diversity category, Tucker was recognized for CBS 2’s coverage showing how Black Chicagoans were dying at alarming rates from COVID-19: “CBS 2 mapped the data to show where COVID-19 was hitting minority neighborhoods hardest.”
In the Hard News category, Tucker represented CBS 2 well, winning for a story about the plight of small landlords who could not evict gainfully employed tenants who were taking advantage of Illinois’ eviction moratorium.
Tucker’s popular story on a serial scammer that was finally arrested was also included in the Overall Excellence category awarded to the CBS 2 station. Read more here:
NABJ members receiving awards this season are invited to tag @NABJ and @Dorothy4NABJ on Twitter so their recognition can be retweeted.