We’re All in This Together!
We’re All in This Together!
#ASKNABJ- Q&A- Career Tips – April 2020
04/20/2020Dear NABJ:
Thank you for reading this issue of the NABJ Roundup. As you know, COVID-19
developments have shifted all of our lives in one way or another. The month of March
especially took many of us by surprise. So, we are grateful that our newsletter
contributors have been able to make time in their schedules to assist us with getting an
issue out to you this month. This month’s issue includes a visual revisit of our last event
together, the NABJ Millennial Media Summit, reflections from our own members via
Twitter about adapting to our new normal, and sound advice from our panel of experts
to help you navigate the industry during this time. There are also some special
announcements from our partners at Google and Facebook.
Your experiences as journalists during this pandemic are important to us. We know
things are uncertain for many of you at this moment. We encourage any of you who
have experienced layoffs or financial hardships to take advantage of our offer to extend
membership at no cost to you for six months by emailing membership@nabj.org. We
also remind you to spend time on our Career Center website at NABJcareers.org. Our
partners are adding new jobs almost every day. Remember to take advantage of our
free webinars. Tomorrow we will host: "Remote Internships: Productive Strategies for
Students & Employers During COVID-19." Register here.
We also want to stay up-to-date on what you are facing on the job, and that is why we
created the COVID-19 Member Check-in Survey. Thank you to each of you who have
taken the time to submit your responses. If you have not participated in the 5-question
survey yet, please do so now by clicking here. Please remember you can also send
thoughts, concerns and questions related to COVID-19 matters to our new email
address nabjcovid@nabj.org.
Here is a quick look at what we are learning from you so far from our member check-in
- About 46% of respondents believe they are secure in their current jobs
- More than 50% of our members state that they either don’t feel secure in their
jobs, have already been laid off, have experienced reduced hours or canceled
contracts, are freelancers looking for more work or have experienced greater
delays in their job search that began before the pandemic. - More than 76% of members feel their employer is providing them with the tools
and resources they need while on the job. - More than 74% of our members feel educated enough about protecting
themselves and others during this pandemic.
The top 4 areas members feel they need the most help in are:
- Practicing self-care or work-life balance
- More resources for reporting factual information during COVID-19
- More ideas and tips for social-distancing while at work
- Ideas on how to find a job or make income
Please know that we are reviewing these results with great care and are examining
ways to help meet your needs during this time, including more training and information
sharing opportunities. We are doing our best to keep you updated and to provide
detailed information about all NABJ happenings. Thank you for the emails, messages
and comments we have received highlighting how our communications and webinars
have been helpful to you. We will continue to work hard for you.
We are proud of the work you are doing in our communities and encourage you to take
care of yourselves as you take care of others. Thanks for your commitment to NABJ.
Always know we are committed to you and will continue to find ways to assist you as we
go through this together.
Dorothy Tucker
NABJ President