
NABJ Appalled at Allegations of Racism at ABC News


NABJ Statement on Capitalizing Black and Other Racial Identifiers

For the last year, the National Association of Black Journalists(NABJ) has been integrating the capitalization of the word "Black" into its communications.

NABJ Disturbed by Silencing of Voices at Pittsburgh Post-Gazette


Video Statement: Journalism is Not a Crime

NABJ is appalled and angered by the actions of law enforcement officers - #JournalismIsNotACrime

NABJ Statement on the Arrest of CNN’s Omar Jimenez and Crew Members

The National Association of Black Journalists(NABJ) condemns the arrests of CNN crew members, including reporter Omar Jimenez, who were simply doing their jobs and covering protests in Minneapolis this morning.

Statement on President’s Treatment of Journalists During Coronavirus Briefings

Statement on President’s Treatment of Journalists During Coronavirus Briefings The National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) is appalled to watch recent press briefings where the president […]

NABJ Joins NFOIC & 130 Plus Orgs to Sign Statement on Government Coronavirus Emergency Transparency

NABJ Joins NFOIC & 130 Plus Orgs to Sign Statement on Government Coronavirus Emergency Transparency By The National Freedom of Information Coalition 132 organizations (including NABJ) […]

NABJ Joins AAJA, Other Groups in Denouncing Racism Aimed at Asian Americans During Coronavirus

The following statement was issued by our colleagues at AAJA today: From the Board of Directors of the Asian American Journalists Association (AAJA), with the support […]